miercuri, 4 septembrie 2013

Tips [ sfaturi ]



1. Picioare mai frumoase :Unge cu multa lotiune de corp , pune-ti niste sosete din bumbac si baga-te in pat. Dimineata vei arata super :)

2.Maini catifelate: Seara , dupa ce te speli pe maini , da-ti imediat cu crema de maini, Dimineata mainile si unghiile tale vor fi cu adevarat matasoase.

3.Par stralucitor :Foloseste balsam din belsug imediat dupa ce ti-ai spalat parul, chiar inainte de culcare .Protejeaza perna cu un prosop vechi. Dimineata clateste parul si piaptana-l . ;D 

ATENTIE !: pentru a functiona nu este de ajuns sa respectati o singura zi aceste sfaturi. ! Rezultatele o sa apara de la 3-4 zile in sus :)



1.Beautiful feet: Anoint with a lot of body lotion, put some cotton socks and put to bed. In the morning you'll look super :)

2.Soft hands: Evening, after you wash your hands, give yourself immediately with hand cream. In the morning your hands and nails will be really silky.

3.Shiny hair: Use a lot of balm right after you wash your hair before going to bed. Protects pillow with an old towel. In the morning rinse your hair and brush it

WARNING: to work is not enough to follow this advice one day. ! Results will appear from 3-4 days up :)

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